浏览34次 1个回答 更新于 2024-12-28 08:21:58#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
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1 a Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are required to pursue an approved programme of advanced study and research under supervision as enrolled students of the University. The demands of PhD research require a significant commitment by candidates in terms of time and resources, and candidates are normally expected to be working full-time on their doctoral research.
b It is expected that this programme will usually be completed within three to four years of full-time candidature. Part-time candidature may also be permitted.
c Upon completion of an approved programme of research:
(i) a candidate must submit a thesis that meets the requirements set out in Clause 1e
(ii) in the case of a candidate enrolled in a creative arts or design discipline, upon recommendation of the Academic Head and approval from the Board of Graduate Studies, the candidate may present a corpus of creative work for assessment with a written thesis, comprising an integrated whole, that meets the requirements set out in Clause 1e.
d In order for the PhD degree to be awarded, the candidate must satisfy the examiners in an oral examination and any other relevant examination that may be required on the subject of the thesis and on relevant matters in the field or fields to which the subject belongs.
e The PhD degree is awarded for a formal and systematic exposition of a coherent programme of advanced research work. The work is carried out over the period of enrolment for the degree and, in the opinion of the examiners and the Board of Graduate Studies, satisfies all of the following criteria:
(i) is an original contribution to knowledge or understanding in its field
(ii) meets internationally recognised standards for such work
(iii) demonstrates knowledge of the literature relevant to the subject and the field or fields to which the subject belongs, and the ability to exercise critical and analytical judgement of it
(iv) is satisfactory in its methodology, in the quality and coherence of its expression, and in its scholarly presentation and format.
f PhD theses may not, without the prior permission of the Board of Graduate Studies, exceed 100,000 words in total, or 60,000 words in total when accompanied by a corpus of creative work by a candidate enrolled in a creative arts or design discipline.
g If the core of the thesis comprises a series of published or unpublished research papers and/or case studies, the candidate must be the lead or sole author of each paper or case study and have written the text, and must provide a contextual framework and concluding discussion that will normally amount to 20,000–30,000 words. The range and focus of this material shall generally correspond with the introductory and concluding chapters of a thesis. The thesis must be presented in a consistent format, citation style and typeface.
h If the core of the thesis does not comprise a series of published or unpublished research papers and/or case studies, a candidate may still include within their thesis published or unpublished research papers and/or case studies, provided that the candidate was the lead or sole author of each paper or case study and wrote the text. The thesis must be presented in a consistent format, citation style and typeface.
i In the case of published or unpublished research papers and/or case studies that the candidate has contributed to but is not the sole or lead author of, the candidate may report in the thesis their contribution to the research with due reference to the original paper and/or case study. The thesis must be presented in a consistent format, citation style and typeface.
j All material which is not the original work of the author of the thesis must:
(i) be fully and appropriately attributed
(ii) if a substantial part of another work, be reproduced only with the written permission of the copyright owner of that other work.
k All research for the thesis is to be conducted in accordance with The University of Auckland Code of Conduct for Research.
2 Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are required to have:
a (i) completed the requirements for the award of a masters degree with First Class or Second Class (Division I) Honours at The University of Auckland
(ii) completed the requirements for the award of a bachelors degree with First Class or Second Class (Division I) Honours at The University of Auckland
(iii) completed all the taught coursework requirements (if any) for a masters degree of The University of Auckland at the equivalent of First Class or Second Class (Division I) Honours level, and have made substantial progress towards completion of the masters research thesis
(iv) completed the requirements for the award of a qualification that the Board of Graduate Studies considers to be equivalent to a masters degree with First Class or Second Class (Division I) Honours or a bachelors degree with First Class or Second Class (Division I) Honours from The University of Auckland
b demonstrated an ability to pursue doctoral-level research
c if presenting a corpus of creative work for assessment, have demonstrated advanced training or experience in a relevant creative practice, and, in their provisional year, have identified their intention to present a corpus of creative work for final assessment and have received the approval of the Board of Graduate Studies.
d In exceptional circumstances, the Board of Graduate Studies may consider for registration a person whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of Clause 2a, if it is satisfied that the person’s experience in research and the results of that experience are so outstanding that the person is likely to have the ability to complete the degree successfully.
3 Admission Essential
Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must have applied for admission and been admitted to The University of Auckland.
4 a Registration Essential
Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must be registered by the Board of Graduate Studies.
b Provisional Registration
Registration is provisional for all candidates for the first 12 months of equivalent full-time study following the Date of Registration as defined in Clause 4j of this Statute.
c Application for Registration
Application for registration must be made to the Head of Department, Division, School, Chair of a Board of Studies or Director of the Research Centre or Institute (“the Head of Department”) in the discipline in which the candidate is to be primarily registered.
d Part-time Registration
Candidates with compelling reasons may be permitted to register as part-time students if the Board of Graduate Studies expects that the candidate will be able to complete the PhD within the permitted time frame. A candidate must normally submit the thesis in no fewer than six and no more than eight years if they have been registered as a part-time student for the whole period of their registration.
e Non-resident Candidature
Where an intending candidate is not resident in Auckland, the Head of Department must provide the Board of Graduate Studies with evidence that the candidate will be provided with research resources and supervisory support at the location in which the research is to be carried out.
f Concurrent Registration
In exceptional cases a candidate may be permitted to enrol concurrently in a second degree in order to complete that degree, provided it is not the qualifying degree for entry into the PhD programme.
g Role of the Head of Department
The Head of Department will make a recommendation to the Faculty Associate Dean (Postgraduate) as to:
(i) whether the candidate:
(a) meets the eligibility requirements
(b) has a preliminary thesis proposal capable of meeting the requirements of Clause 1e of this Statute
(c) has an appropriate set of goals for the provisional year of registration, agreed to by both the candidate and main supervisor
if the Head of Department is of that opinion, then they will recommend:
(ii) whether their department (in conjunction with any other department where the field of study is interdisciplinary, or other university in the case of jointly awarded degrees) accepts the responsibility for:
(a) making satisfactory supervision arrangements over the whole course of the PhD
(b) providing adequate research resources and facilities
if the Head of Department is of that opinion, then they will nominate:
(iii) which other departments will be involved if the field of study is interdisciplinary. In these cases, the Heads of any other departments involved are required to endorse the recommendation
(iv) suitably qualified supervisors and, where appropriate, advisers
(v) in the case of a candidate in a department of languages and literatures, or a candidate for whom joint registration with another university in a non-English speaking country is proposed, the language in which the thesis is to be submitted and examined.
h Role of the Associate Dean (Postgraduate)
On receipt of the recommendation of the Head of Department, the Faculty Associate Dean (Postgraduate) will make a recommendation to the Board of Graduate Studies as to the matters set out in Clause 4g.
i Role of the Board of Graduate Studies
On receipt of the recommendation of the Faculty Associate Dean (Postgraduate), the Board of Graduate Studies will decide whether or not to register the candidate and, if so, the conditions which will apply to the registration. The Board of Graduate Studies may call for any further information it considers relevant before making its decision.- 我本科土木工程,今年刚毕业,打算在国内读完硕士去奥克兰大学读工程博士学位。像我这种情... 有在奥克兰大学留过学或在读的工程专业博士生么?麻烦给我讲讲工程专业都包含哪儿下设专业?我本科土木工程,今年刚毕业,打算在国内读完硕士去奥克兰大学读工程博士学位。像我这种情况三年后申请读博难度大不大?麻烦具体分析下,...
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