
浏览8次 1个回答 更新于 2024-12-26 21:43:59#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  •   Master of Applied Finance

      Admission Requirements

      There are two pathways into the Master of Applied Finance.

      Direct entry into the Masters Program (120 units) will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree in the discipline; or

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      At least 7 years business experience, including 2 years in a management position.

      Students entering via this pathway are able to complete 4 courses per trimester, and are able to complete courses in any sequence they wish, that is consistent with course prerequisites. Applicants with an Honours degree in the cognate area or equivalent relevant qualifications at level 8 or above will be given appropriate recognition of prior learning.

      The alternate pathway is through the Graduate Certificate (40 units) which will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma in the discipline + 2 years relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma not in the discipline + 3 years relevant business experience; or

      At least 5 years business experience.

      Students entering via this pathway will be required to:

      Complete the Graduate Certificate over a minimum of two trimesters (typically 20 units per trimester); and

      Successfully complete a Business Academic Skills Program (BASP) which will be of 6 weeks duration. The BASP will be non-fee based and can be completed concurrently with courses in the Graduate Certificate.

      Only after the successful completion of the Graduate Certificate and the academic skills program will students be eligible to formally enrol in the Masters Program.

      Master of Architecture

      Applicants must have successfully completed a Bachelor of Design (Architecture) program,or approved equivalent in order to apply for entry.

      Master of Business Administration (MBA)

      There are two pathways into the Master of Business Administration.

      Direct entry into the Masters Program (120 units) will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree in the discipline; or

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      At least 7 years business experience, including 2 years in a management position.

      Students entering via this pathway are able to complete 4 courses per trimester, and are able to complete courses in any sequence they wish, that is consistent with course prerequisites. Applicants with an Honours degree in the cognate area or equivalent relevant qualifications at level 8 or above will be given appropriate recognition of prior learning.

      The alternate pathway is through the Graduate Certificate (40 units) which will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma in the discipline + 2 years relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma not in the discipline + 3 years relevant business experience; or

      At least 5 years business experience.

      Students entering via this pathway will be required to:

      Complete the Graduate Certificate over a minimum of two trimesters (typically 20 units per trimester); and

      Successfully complete a Business Academic Skills Program (BASP) which will be of 6 weeks duration. The BASP will be non-fee based and can be completed concurrently with courses in the Graduate Certificate.

      Only after the successful completion of the Graduate Certificate and the academic skills program will students be eligible to formally enrol in the Masters Program.

      Master of Clinical Psychology

      Admission to the degree is competitive. Applicants require the following in order to be considered for a place in the program:

      Hold a four year, or three year plus a fourth year, Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited sequence in psychology, which has been completed in the last 10 years, with an upper second class Honours (2A) or above, or an overall GPA above 6.0 in the 4th year component of a non Honours program; or be a currently registered psychologist with the PsyBA who can demonstrate current compliance with Registration Board Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements; and

      Eligibility for provisional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia; and

      Satisfy the School of Psychology of their suitability for the professional practice of Clinical Psychology. When evaluating suitability, the School will take into account previous relevant experience, reports of referees, units of study previously completed, and the outcome of a selection interview. Selection criteria will also be based on applicants demonstrating a clear understanding of Clinical Psychology and the areas in which a Clinical Psychologist might work Desirable criteria include research experience additional to Honours and involvement with professional organisations (e.g APAC).

      Master of Engineering Management

      A four year bachelor’s degree in an engineering or cognate discipline (as determined below); or

      An undergraduate three year degree in an engineering or cognate discipline, and at least two years of documented professional RPL - relevant work experience* since graduation related to the degree.

      Master of Health Science

      Minimum of a four year undergraduate degree in a field related to public health such as medicine, biomedical/medical science, nursing, allied health, psychology or education. Applicants with a three year undergraduate degree should possess an Honours degree or additional postgraduate qualifications such as a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma; or a minimum of one year’s work experience in a related field

      Master of Human Resource Management

      There are two pathways into the Master of Human Resource Management.

      Direct entry into the Masters Program (120 units) will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree in the discipline; or

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      At least 7 years business experience, including 2 years in a management position.

      Students entering via this pathway are able to complete 4 courses per trimester, and are able to complete courses in any sequence they wish, that is consistent with course prerequisites. Applicants with an Honours degree in the cognate area or equivalent relevant qualifications at level 8 or above will be given appropriate recognition of prior learning.

      The alternate pathway is through the Graduate Certificate (40 units) which will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma in the discipline + 2 years relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma not in the discipline + 3 years relevant business experience; or

      At least 5 years business experience.

      Students entering via this pathway will be required to:

      Complete the Graduate Certificate over a minimum of two trimesters (typically 20 units per trimester); and

      Successfully complete a Business Academic Skills Program (BASP) which will be of 6 weeks duration. The BASP will be non-fee based and can be completed concurrently with courses in the Graduate Certificate.

      Only after the successful completion of the Graduate Certificate and the academic skills program will students be eligible to formally enrol in the Masters Program.

      Master of International Business

      There are two pathways into the Master of International Business.

      Direct entry into the Masters Program (120 units) will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree in the discipline; or

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      At least 7 years business experience, including 2 years in a management position.

      Students entering via this pathway are able to complete 4 courses per trimester, and are able to complete courses in any sequence they wish, that is consistent with course prerequisites. Applicants with an Honours degree in the cognate area or equivalent relevant qualifications at level 8 or above will be given appropriate recognition of prior learning.

      The alternate pathway is through the Graduate Certificate (40 units) which will be available for applicants who have:

      3 year Bachelors Degree not in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma in the discipline; or

      3 year Diploma not in the discipline + 1 year relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma in the discipline + 2 years relevant business experience; or

      2 year Diploma not in the discipline + 3 years relevant business experience; or

      At least 5 years business experience.

      Students entering via this pathway will be required to:

      Complete the Graduate Certificate over a minimum of two trimesters (typically 20 units per trimester); and

      Successfully complete a Business Academic Skills Program (BASP) which will be of 6 weeks duration. The BASP will be non-fee based and can be completed concurrently with courses in the Graduate Certificate.

      Only after the successful completion of the Graduate Certificate and the academic skills program will students be eligible to formally enrol in the Masters Program.

      Master of Special Education

      Bachelor Degree in education/teaching, psychology, disability studies, health related field or a related discipline, plus 2 years experience working in a relevant field


      Bachelor Honours Degree in education/teaching, psychology, disability studies, health related field or a related discipline


      Graduate Certificate in a relevant field


      Diploma in education/teaching with a minimum of 10 years teaching experience
  • 而申请商学院的硕士项目,则要求申请者的平均成绩达到72%-85%以上。此外,对于语言能力的要求,纽卡斯尔大学同样设定了明确的标准。所有申请者,无论申请哪个学院的项目,均需达到雅思6.5分以上的成绩。这是确保国际学生能够顺利适应英语授课环境的重要指标。
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