管理类联考英语小作文 该怎么写Email

管理类联考英语小作文 该怎么写Email
浏览294次 3个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 03:12:04#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • 管理类联考英语小作文该怎么写 Email?友课教育教你! 在往年的 MBA 联考小作文中,写 Email 是一个常见的形式。因为一封 Email,可以网罗 多种主题,如提出要求、提供帮助、进行投诉、道歉等,多种话题,枚举不尽。 另外,根据与收件人的关系, Email 的措辞也分为正式与非正式。下面,友课教育 mbajyz.com 从称呼开始,给大家讲讲,该如何写好一封 Email。 称呼 Greetings Formal/ ·Dear Sir/Madam, ·Dear Sir or Madam, ·To whom it may concern: ·Dear Mr/Ms Jonrs, ·Dear Dr Smith, Informl/ ·Hi Dennis, ·Hello Claire, ·Dear Mum, 如果不确定收件的女性是否已婚,用 Miss 或 Mrs 来称呼对方是不恰当的。 称呼后面的标点符号为逗号,但 To whom it may concern 例外,后面是冒号。 写邮件/回复邮件的原因 Reason for writing/replying Formal/ ·I am writing to make a reservation/to apply for position of.../to confirm my booking/to ask for futher information about... ·With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday,I would like to let you know that... · Thank you for your email of 29th February regarding the sale of.../concerning the conference in Brussels. Informl/ ·Just a quick note to invite you to.../to tell you that... ·This is to invite you to join us for... ·I wanted to let you know that/tell you about/ask you if... ·Thanks for your email,it was wonderful/great to hear from you. 提出要求/请求资料 Making a request/Asking for information Formal/ · Could you please let me know if you can attend.../if you are available for a meeting on 12th December? ·I would appreciate it if you could please send me a brochure/if you could please reply within two days. ·I would also like to know if there are any swimming pools in your area. ·Please let me know how much the tickets cost. Informl/ ·I was wondering if you could come and see me sometime next week. ·Would you mind coming early to help me clear up the place? ·Do you think you could call Jerry for me? ·Can you call me/get back to me as soon as possible? 提供帮助/提供咨询 Offering help/Giving information Formal/ ·We are happy to let you know that your article has been selected for publication. ·I am glad to inform you that we will be holding our annual conference in Brussels on 20th September. ·We regret to inform you that the show has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. ·We would be glad to send you another statement if necessary. ·Please do let me know if I can be of futher assistance. Informl/ ·I'm happy to tell you that John and I are getting married next month. ·Would you like me to come early and help you clear up the place? ·How about I come and help you out? ·Do you need a hand with moving the furniture? 投诉 Complaining Formal/ ·I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with.../to complain about... ·I regret to say that I was not completely satisfied with the room you provided us. ·I would like to receive a full refund and compensation for damages. ·I am interested to hear houw your company can compensate us for the distress we suffered. Informl/ ·I'm sorry to say that you're late with the payments. · I hope you won't mind me saying that the place you'd recommended to us wasn't as nice as we'd expected. 道歉 Apologizing Formal/ ·We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. ·Please accept our apologies for the delay. ·I am afraid I will not be able to attend the conference. Informl/ I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I apologize for the delay. I promise it won't happen again. I'm sorry,but I can't make it to the meeting. I'm sorry,but I can't make it tomorrow. 附件 Attaching files Formal/ ·I am attaching my CV for your consideration. ·I am sending you the brochure as an attachment. ·Please see the satement attached. ·I am afraid I cannot open the file you have sent me. Informl/ ·I'm attaching/sending you the noliday photos. 结尾 Ending Formal/ ·I look forward to hearing from you. ·I look forward to hearing when you are planning to visit our town. Informl/ ·Hope to hear from you soon. ·I'm looking forward to seeing you. 署名套语 Closing Formal/ ·Yours faithfully,(when you start with Dear Sir/Madam) ·Yours sincerely,(when you start with the name e.g.Dear Ms Collins) ·Sincerely yours, ·Sincerely, ·Yours Truly, Informl/ ·Love,Thanks, ·Take care, ·Yours, ·Best regards, 另外注意,在正式的电子邮件中,缩略语很少出现。
  • Common fault
  • of 800MHz,
  • 管理综合的作文一共是65分有大小两篇作文要求小作文不低于300字,大作文不低于800字所以这两篇作文,如果你能拿到45分以上,就算是合格了当然,如果你能拿到50分以上的作文,那就更好了但作文一般都不会太差。考研英语跑题扣3分1,20~17分内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点,表达清楚,文字连贯,句式有...
  • 1、审题(小作文2分钟,大作文3分钟)一定要认真审题,定下大概写作方向,勾勒出文章的大概框架。很多英语基础较好的同学考研写作未能取得高分,就是因为没有仔细审题。有些同学担心时间不够,草草浏览题目,动笔就写,而写完发现跑题了,写得再好也是不及格分。审题时确定文章的中心思想和每段的主题句,...
  • 2、注意时代特色和国际、国内大环境。在工作之余要多关心国际、国内的新闻大事。3、要理性思考,注重写作的科学性、客观性、严谨性、实用性和缜密性。4、不需要感情色彩,不偏激,不求怪异。5、控制字数,注意结构,标题可以在成文后再最后确定。管理类联考写作不知怎么写,可以找一个专业的培训班来帮...
  • (1)综合填空(完型填空)20道,每题0.5分,共10分;(2)阅读理解5篇文章,25题, 每题2分共50分;(3)英语翻译:英语翻译成中文15分。(4)英文写作两篇:大作文和小作文(大作文15分+小作文10)总共25分。考的都是初高中的一些知识。管理类联考考试的主要难度在于时间的把握。每年的竞争非...
  • 小作文:15-20分钟,先拟提纲,再答卷,尽量减少涂改。大作文:20-25分钟,先拟提纲,再答卷,尽量减少涂改。完形填空:最好控制在15分钟内,不会做建议全选一个答案。填写答题卡时要用心,避免英语二常见的答题卡填错问题。03/ 英语(二)答题顺序建议 建议答题顺序为:作文→阅读理解→新题型→翻译...
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