
浏览6次 7个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 01:49:32#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • 有一篇教育方面的~

    我叫 ,男/女,19 年 月 日出生,19 年 月毕业于 。同年 月,就职于 至今。工作期间,我不断钻研业务技术,19 年获得 先进教育工作者称号;同时坚持自修文化知识。

  • 有一篇教育方面的~

    我叫 ,男/女,19 年 月 日出生,19 年 月毕业于 。同年 月,就职于 至今。工作期间,我不断钻研业务技术,19 年获得 先进教育工作者称号;同时坚持自修文化知识。

    Respected visa officer :
    I ask, male / female, was born 19 years, 19 years to graduate. With the years, worked so far. During the work, I have been studying business technology, 19 educators access to advanced title; While upholding cultural self-knowledge.
    I love young people to study, when schools began learning English, English for a long deep cultural connotation and the international community's unique status deeply fascinated at that time, it determined to learn English well. In 2001, China's accession to the WTO, the domestic economy gradually accelerated the pace of international and domestic familiar with the rules of international trade and seize more bilingual personnel shortage. The Chinese government has been quickened the pace of education reform, the right course for a significant adjustment, and gradually set up English at the primary school curriculum. The situation changes once again provoked study English I dream that China's current shortage of primary school English teachers, but also reinforced by the determination to learn English, because I love education, the English language more profound interest. Britain is developed, in the political, economic, cultural, educational and other fields have scored brilliant achievements, but we have a long English culture, your country to study English is the best choice.
    I think the family unit leadership and the understanding and support of my family for me to provide sufficient funds to universities. I volunteered to apply for your country to study abroad, if you allow, will study hard, and afterwards return to engage in the teaching of English for China's educational cause and spread the culture of peace the world, and to promote the Sino-British cultural exchange contribute their strength.
    Comments visa officer will give me an opportunity to study, thank you!
  • Respected visa officer :
    I ask, male / female, was born 19 years, 19 years to graduate. With the years, worked so far. During the work, I have been studying business technology, 19 educators access to advanced title; While upholding cultural self-knowledge.
    I love young people to study, when schools began learning English, English for a long deep cultural connotation and the international community's unique status deeply fascinated at that time, it determined to learn English well. In 2001, China's accession to the WTO, the domestic economy gradually accelerated the pace of international and domestic familiar with the rules of international trade and seize more bilingual personnel shortage. The Chinese government has been quickened the pace of education reform, the right course for a significant adjustment, and gradually set up English at the primary school curriculum. The situation changes once again provoked study English I dream that China's current shortage of primary school English teachers, but also reinforced by the determination to learn English, because I love education, the English language more profound interest. Britain is developed, in the political, economic, cultural, educational and other fields have scored brilliant achievements, but we have a long English culture, your country to study English is the best choice.
    I think the family unit leadership and the understanding and support of my family for me to provide sufficient funds to universities. I volunteered to apply for your country to study abroad, if you allow, will study hard, and afterwards return to engage in the teaching of English for China's educational cause and spread the culture of peace the world, and to promote the Sino-British cultural exchange contribute their strength.
    Comments visa officer will give me an opportunity to study, thank you!
  • PS要写实际有用的东西,模板是不会有很大帮助的,还是从自身思考,想一下 自己为什么要选这个专业,如果你是评判录取的人,人家为什么录取你。把自己的优势都写出来,比如说得过什么奖(生物竞赛什么的),发表过什么文章,平均分85%以上之类的。这种有说服力的东西才有成功率。

    Good Luck
  • 这个属于PS的内容,是出国资料中很重要很重要的一部分。它包括5个方面,个人履历,荣誉和奖励,出版物,课外经历以及3封推荐信。其中个人履历是写自己的学术经历,三封推荐信分别是导师,院长与系主任和实习的老总写的,分别介绍了专业,社交和实践的各个方面,个人推荐信的模板你去买一本新东方包凡一的《留学申请个人陈述写作模板》,这本书很权威。
  • 典型的假大空文章。

  • 拜托翻译软件儿翻得吧!翻译的是驴唇不对马嘴!
  • 三、写好自荐信(1)求真务实。写自荐信务必本着实事求是的态度,切不可弄虚作假。有些毕业生为了增加自己在市场的竞争力,弄虚作假,自欺欺人,涂改自己的学习成绩,夸大自己的特长,
  • 如果我能够有幸进入你的团队,我一定会继续保持大学里疯狂的状态,深入平面设计领域。if i am able to join your crew, it will be a great honour and i will definitely continue with my " eager to learn" attitude, and strength my ability in the designing area.我并不是一个狂人,我的...
  • 3. 推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。4. 推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。 写推荐信可以从三个方向着手:1. 就学校方面首先,必须先了...
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  • 1、不要忽视东西方文化的差异 中国人一向视“谦虚”为美德,即使取得了不错的成绩也要学会有所保留,而西方人不仅追求“优越”而且还要善于表达出来,所以申请者在写自荐信时一定要把自己的长处毫不隐瞒地描述出来,使人一眼就能知道你优秀的方面。2、要富有个性 虽然很多申请留学MBA的人都有大致相同的...
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