浏览3次 3个回答 更新于 2024-12-29 13:52:46#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
- 他会问你资金方面以及学校专业的问题
What are your tuition fees?
What about the living expenses? / In addition to tuition fees?
Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?
Do you have so much money?
Is the fund available? How much?
Does it include the stocks?
Where does the money come from? / Who will pay you money? / Who will pay you
r courses? Who will sponsor you?
What's their annual income? / What's your parents' salary?
What do your parents do? / How can they support you? / How does the money co
me from?
Can you give some description of your father's company?
Can you give some description of your mother's company?
Can I look at your bankbooks?
Can I look at the bank certification?
Where will you study?
How did you know the university?
How much do you know about the school?
Which subjects will you study? What is your proposed course?
Which course will you study? What's the course arrangement?
How many hours will you study per week?
When is the opening date of school term?
Where are you going to live in the UK?
Do you need use English in your work?
Do you have to take the English courses?
Have you ever considered other schools while applying? What are they then?
Then why do you choose *** University?
Why do you choose *** (专业)? Why do you want to study *** (专业)?
How much do you know about your courses?
What is your last degree obtained?
When did you graduate?
What have you studied?
Can I look at your transcript?
What are you doing now? / What do you do now?
如果你的英文不好,可以用汉语交流。 - 英国签证是不需要面试的
- 1.去英国留学时不需要面试的...除非是学校有派老师到大陆过来,然后你有想过去面试。
2.一般情况下都是一些简单的问题,话家常一样的。 - 2、你为什么对我们学校感兴趣 这是个很关键的问题,回答这个问题的时候要具体一点,可以展示你做的研究。你必须强调对知识的渴望,而不是对物质的追求。你可以说说你面试的这所大学跟你考虑过的其他大学具体区别在哪里。3、你为什么选择这个专业 你要知道,申请规划大学的时候,你不需要确定非哪个专业不...
- 面试一定程度上来说,较能反映学生水平,因此面试的题目也较为灵活。一般情况下,考官首先是了解申请者的基本情况,比如年龄、年级、学校、上一学年各主要科目的成绩等等。千万别小看这些简单的问题,考官会根据学生的不同回答引申出其他的问题,以此考察孩子的反应能力和逻辑思维能力。下面是一些常见的面试...
- 1.你怎么知道的这所学校?2.你是怎样申请的?3.你是否还知道其它学校?4.你在选择这个学校时是否和其它学校比较过?5.比较过什么?6.你的学习计划?7.你为什么不在国内读大学?8.你在英国停留多长时间?9.你语言课程的学习内容是什么?每周的学费和课时数?10.你每天只有3个小时的语言课程,你认为够用吗?
- 从表面上看,这个问题是有关于国家与国家之间的比较,其实,这个问题首先应该是各个国家的专业水平的比较。表面上看,美国教育水平高、发展机会多,但是签证难拿,你只好说它现在不安全。那么,从总体上讲,除了美国,也还就是英国教育水平最高,其它英联邦国家跟英国相比有一定差距。同时英国处于欧洲,与...
- 首先英国几乎90%以上的大学不需要面试(G5大学面试的频率会比较高)。其次常见的面试专业有艺术,新闻以及同声传译等。面试形式以电话,视屏或全国统一指定城市面试类型居多。接下来就需要了解院校老师大概问会到哪些问题。第1种问题:询问个人信息, 例如你的教育背景,为什么选择这个专业?1.You have been ...