浏览19次 3个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 02:14:34#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
- 这个学校我申请过,这个学校比较一般,申请不难。
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- Admission Requirements for the MBA Program
UVic Business is looking for motivated and experienced achievers. We assess applicants based on the following criteria:
Professional Experience, Maturity and Management Potential
Personal Statements
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
English Language Requirements for International Students
You may want to compare your qualifications with the Class Profile.
Professional Experience, Maturity and Management Potential
You must demonstrate managerial potential and a level of maturity consistent with the demands of a professional management program. These characteristics are assessed based on your resumé, personal statements (see below) and your references.
Resumé—should outline your professional experience and other experiences that may be of interest to the committee. Two or more years of full-time work experience is preferred, although some exceptional applicants without full-time work experience are admitted every year.
References (also called assessment reports (link below)—should come from individuals who can provide a candid assessment of your abilities; professional or academic references are acceptable. Two references are required.
Personal Statements—you must prepare two personal statements on the following topics:
Influences that have shaped who you are today
How a UVic MBA will contribute to your career development
Essays should not exceed 1,000 words in length each
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
You must write the GMAT and arrange to have an official report sent to us. The code for the University of Victoria MBA is 0359.
We will be looking for scores that indicate strengths in all of the verbal, quantitative and analytical writing assessment (AWA) portions of the test. While we do not set a minimum acceptable score, scores over 550 are preferred.
English Language Requirements for International Students
If your first language is not English, and you have lived in Canada or another English-speaking country for less than three years, you must provide evidence of fluency in English.
The Faculty of Business requires a TOEFL score of 575 (233 on computer-based test); a score of band 7.0 on each component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or a score of 85 on the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB).
Language Exam Minimum Score
MELAB 85 - 标准化考试成绩:商科提交GMAT,建议提交理文工GRE。加拿大维多利亚大学申请时间 加拿大维多利亚大学申请时间是每年春季1月1日、秋季9月1日。学校的申请截至时间一般在课程开始时间前3个月左右,但是学校的一些热门专业每年申请人数较多,可能会提前截止申请,所以想要申请维多利亚大学的学生要提前计划好时间,最好...
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- 生活体验上,维多利亚气候宜人,四季如春,是加拿大避冬的好去处。旅游方面,温哥华和西雅图近在咫尺,交通便利。学校规模虽小,排名第四,但与UofT、McGill和UBC等大校相比,师资力量各有特色。加拿大的硕士项目注重研究,适合进一步攻读博士学位。UVic数学系教授阵容丰富,师生比例适宜,提供了丰富的学术交流机会...