
浏览33次 2个回答 更新于 2024-12-28 01:13:14#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • 上海交大安泰MBA有国际班,同时向海内外招生,可以打他们咨询电话问问。

    Requirements Overview

    1) Work Experience: Applicants are required to have three years of post-undergraduate work experience by the beginner of the first semester in September. Associate’s Degree holders should have at least five years of post-degree work experience.

    2) A GMAT score is required for the International MBA. Applicants with a score of 600 or higher will be given priority, a score of 500 is required.

    3) Proof of Language Proficiency (if asked after the interview)

    4) Required Documents as listed in the “Application Process” section

    Degree and Certificates

    Degree candidates who have obtained 52 credits and have finished a dissertation as required will be awarded the Shanghai Jiao Tong University MBA degree and graduation diploma.
    Exchange students are required to pass at least 3 courses and will be granted a certificate for the successful completion of their exchange study.


    The entire program tuition is RMB 238,000. Program tuition will be paid in two annual installments.
    Exchange students are exempt from tuition.
    For non-exchange students, tuition is charged per credit; usually one IMBA course is 3 credits.
    Please remit the tuition to the following account before the semester begins:
    Beneficiary: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Account No.: 449461987615
    Bank: Bank of China,Shanghai, Grand Gateway Sub-Branch
    Bank Address:NO.3 Hong Qiao Road, Shanghai, 200030, China
    Remark: 2013 MBA tuition of (student name)
  • 只要他的学历在教育部认证过,就可以跟别人一样去中国学位与研究生教育信息网登录报名
  • 3. 来自印度的月光说:印度要向中国学习。她认为,印度人口多,像她这样的独生子女很少见。她从小就和中国有联系,因此很适应中国。她选择来中国读MBA,因为她认为再过二三十年中国肯定能超越美国,她想“毕业后留在中国工作,见证历史”。4. 印度学者表示:印中合作才是未来的发展趋势。他认为,欧美媒...
  • 印度教育的竞争激烈,学生通过严苛的学习环境和高度的淘汰率,如印度理工学院的低录取率(仅为2%),来实现阶层跨越。这培养了他们坚韧的竞争精神和适应能力,如在商业社会中展现出的务实创新。同时,印度人注重MBA教育,使得他们在管理领域占据优势。尽管如此,印度的教育体系仍存在基础教育薄弱和人才流失的...
  • 第三是团结,印度有一种习惯,一但自己身居高位,就会呼朋唤友,想方设法把朋友介绍进来,中国人就自己管自己就好了。第四是教育,印度人MBA是必修的科目,就和我们要学习语文是一个道理,MBA确实很有用。
  • 2、北京泰姬楼印度餐厅总经理麦赫诺·帕斯塔卡亚说:“印度要向中国学习生活在中国的印度人,有时愿意把两国做对比。北京泰姬楼印度餐厅总经理麦赫诺·帕斯塔卡亚来中国24年了,1997年他娶了中国妻子,1998年在北京国贸开了第一家印度餐厅。帕斯塔卡亚学的是酒店管理专业,毕业后在印度创业,想出一个“工业厨房”的点子...
  • 第二格优点:印度人学的东西比较广。在硅谷,中国人拥有博士学位的数量非常多,印度人拥有博士学位的数量连中国人的三分之一都没有达到。中国人一般从顶尖公司的技术开始做起,但印度人一般是从基层开始做起。因为从基层做起,所以印度人会学到更多的东西。印度虽然经济不如我们国家,但在教育这方面却先...
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