浏览8次 2个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 03:17:21#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
- 1. From University of New Orleans Ph.d Program Handbook
The statement of interest that accompanies the application to the College is a very important part of the application. It should reflect applicants' best thinking about an area of specialization. It also is used to help decide whether there is a constructive fit between applicants' interests and the doctoral program faculty members' ability to help them develop a command of knowledge and skills in a specific area or areas of interest. In their statements of interest, applicants should outline a proposed area of specialization, including an appropriate theoretical foundation, suitable scholarly research skills, and even illustrative topics for dissertation research. They should suggest course topics, remembering that many of the courses may be outside of the College of Urban and Public Affairs. Since we are aware that applicants' knowledge of the UNO campus and CUPA is often limited, admitted students will be able to change and refine the proposed program after arrival to reflect personal growth and understanding of the area of interest. Nevertheless, applicants should devote careful attention to the statement of interest.
2. From University of Washington, Urban Design and Planning
The applicant’s statement of purpose often proves to be the most important document in the application process. While other documents help establish general qualifications and background, the statement of purpose is a personal expression that distinguishes an applicant from other applicants and relates her or his specific interests to those of program faculty.
The objectives of the statement of purpose are twofold. First, it builds on the content of more generalized documents, such as transcripts and resumes, by providing further details regarding the applicant’s background and academic qualifications. Second, it delivers a clear description of the applicant’s objectives, including his research interests and intended course of study. This information is critical to the application process and a focused, well-written document is essential to the decision to admit. For this reason, the statement of purpose should reflect your best thinking regarding your decision to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Washington.
In particular, the statement should be structured around the following five pieces of information. First, begin with a brief overview of your academic and professional background, including a description of any previous research experience. Second, describe your motivation for pursuing doctoral studies and your current research interests. Remember that this is your opportunity to explain what you would like to learn through advanced study and what you plan to achieve by doing so. Third, identify at least three members of the faculty whom you would like to work with. Fourth, briefly outline your intended course of study including your primary research interests. You may also want to list several courses that you would like to take during your first year in the program. Finally, conclude with a short description of your envisioned future and the role that you would like to play in the planning field.
As you write, please keep in mind that it is important to be as specific as possible. The admissions committee seeks to understand your objectives and to ensure that your interests are compatible with those of the program faculty. And while it is understood that your knowledge of the University of Washington may be limited, you are encouraged to seek information via the Internet and through faculty that you have an interest in working with. The more informed and focused your statement of purpose, the better your chances of admission.
3. From The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Our Ph.D. is a research-oriented degree. The program is intended to prepare a person for a career of
scholarly activity and research rather than professional practice. Although some graduates conduct
research outside of academic institutions, most are teaching and doing research in university settings or
in related institutions. Consequently, our Ph.D. program emphasizes a mastery of the literature and
theory in a specialized area of scholarship (called an area of concentration in the Ph.D. program) as well
as mastery of research skills necessary to make original and important contributions to that field.
For those reasons, your statement of interest is a very important part of your application. It should
reflect your best thinking about your research interests. We will use it to help us decide whether there is
a constructive fit between your interests and those of our faculty and their ability to guide your scholarly
development. The statement should outline a proposed area of concentration, including an appropriate
theoretical foundation, suitable scholarly research skills, and even illustrative topics for dissertation
research. It should suggest course topics you think are appropriate, remembering that approximately
half of your courses will be outside this department. We are aware that your knowledge of us, and this
campus, is limited. You will be able to change and refine your proposed program after you arrive to
reflect your own growth and our better understanding of your interests. Please devote careful attention
to your statement of interest. - Statement of interest 或者 statement of intend指的是一个研究兴趣或研究方向的陈述。
如何写就出色的Statement of Interest?
切记: 你所陈述的研究课题必须是你所致力于研究的、你有足够能力做研究的、你有足够兴趣去做的,并且和你所申请的专业必须是相符合的。 - 设计/方差分析课程应涵盖UBC STAT 404的材料,文本设计和实验分析。三封推荐信成绩单语言要求:托福:不低于600分,250分,100分。雅思:加拿大大学统计专业申请雅思总分不低于7.5分,不低于6.5分。2、西蒙菲莎大学M.SC. IN STATISTICS统计学硕士课程提供广泛的统计技术及其应用。该项目结合了最先进的统计...
- biostat是生物统计学,stat是统计学的缩写。生物统计这个专业对于很多学生来说,还是比较陌生的,但这个专业也在逐步走更多学生的视野,因为这个专业的交叉性,就业前景非常看好。生物统计是美国新兴热门专业,生物统计学就是用统计方法研究分析生物、医学上的数据,属于一个跨学科专业,跟生物统计信息,尤其是...
- 没问题,你可以报考。这个专业并没有特别的限制。
- 想要申请UBC Science,首先要知道理学院提供的热门专业,比如计算机科学(CPSC)、数学(MATH)、统计学(STAT)以及地球与海洋科学(EOSC)等。通常情况下,学生在大二时才会选择具体的专业。申请进入UBC Science的条件如下:对于加拿大申请者、国际申请者以及大学或学院转学生(transfer applicants),具体要求...
- 希望一些学生,特别是注册三个学期的学生,将能够参加高等课程,如STAT 610(统计推理)或STAT 625(统计案例研究)。申请条件本科学位,最好有统计专业背景。GPA建议3.5+没有GRE和TOEFL的最低分数要求,但是低的分数会降低录取机会。托福建议105+。GRE建议325以上,数学部分保证满分,如果能有sub-数学...