浏览6次 2个回答 更新于 2024-12-26 12:21:24#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
- 模板一
( 地址,电话,传真等)
Certificate of Employment
This is to certify that
Mr. *** commenced to work with this company in August 1999 after having studied for four years in *** University. Mr. ***'s working experiences are as followed:
Period *** employer *** Position ***
Mr. ***'s duty is to ***. ***'s income history in our company is as followed:
Period Salary/Month Salary/Year Bonus/Year Annual Income
*** *** *** *** ***
*Personal income taxes have been deducted and the figures listed are net income after tax.
We approve him of pursuing his proposed study in Australia. We will retain his position and continue to hire him after his coming back to China.
I would be happy to answer further inquiries about Mr. ***'s employment with our company.
Sincerely Yours
General manager
July 11, 1986
To Whom It May Concern,
This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Particulars of the certificate follow:
Name: Shu
Native Place: Sichuan Province
Date of Birth: November, 1955
Classification : Mechanical Engineering
Sincerely yours,
K. A. Wang
Director General
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. *** works in our company as Vice Manager From 1992 to the present.
Mr. * is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
General Manager:
***** - 这个要什么格式啊,就以老板的口吻介绍你在公司工作多久,干什么的,有什么表现就完了.
- 出国留学必须提供父母在职工作证明。一般来讲,出国留学需提供与学历有关的公证,如毕业证书、学位证书、成绩单、出生证明、无犯罪记录等公证,其父母需办理收入证明、资产证明、法定监护人等为学生留学担保的公证。
- 兹证明***,男性,现在我单位工作,任副总经理一职,年收入120000元人民币。我们同意其于20xx年9月-10月赴美国旅行。并保证其遵守当地法律,按时返回中国,继续任职。如有任何问题,请打电话:0xx-xx-xxx-xxx与我们联系。 北京市xx有限公司 xx-xx年7月xx-x日 出国在职证明3 出国留学工作证明应注意的几个问题 从雇...
- 如果需要收入证明:在开以上东西的时候,文本中加上。有些公司不允许在以上的材料中写你在公司的薪水,那就那交税单和工资单等(如果是中文的别忘了公证)。而收入证明不一定是一项,你有些投资,等等其它收入全都证明了为好。你既然是要去出国,那国内的工作你肯定得辞了,所以你需要的不是收入证明...
- 开工作证明然后公证一下,那公司领导的推荐信,这些对你以后申请英国的学校非常有帮助,不过要尽快申请,一般英国的学校会以你有工作经验而优先考虑的.不过有时候会要求是2左右以内工作经验的,当然推荐信不用说一定要好了,职位你自己就看这办,反正是老爸的公司.不知是你在个人陈述中提到,而是签证官可能会...
- 如果 a b c 都是集团公司的下属公司 可以盖集团的章,或者是直接用老总签字 加盖C公司的章 ,这个是为了证明你的工作属实,领导了解您的工作情况,盖谁的章,主要看是否合理,个人感觉领导签证加盖C公司的比较合理,有必要介绍ab公司的情况,和他现在C公司的情况。