
浏览240次 3个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 03:15:31#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • Program Foundation
    Course Number Course Title Credits
    BUS 5601 Essentials of Business Development 1 3
    BUS 5602 Essentials of Business Development 2 3

    Course Number Course Title Credits
    BUS 5421 Managerial Economics 3
    BUS 5431 Managerial Accounting 3
    BUS 5440 Financial Management 3
    BUS 5470 Marketing Management 3
    BUS 5450 Organizational Behavior 3

    MBA Marketing Courses
    Course Number Course Title Credits
    BUS 5476 Strategic Marketing 3
    BUS 5486 International Business 3
    BUS 5656 Consumer Behavior Strategies 3
    BUS 5657 Advanced Market Research

  • 美国工商管理硕士MBA(市场营销方向)专业学习内容以及就业方向
      1. Marketing Research 市场研究
      2. Global Marketing 全球营销
      3. Brand Strategy 品牌战略
      4. Retail and Channel Management 零售与渠道管理
      5. Customer Relationship 客户关系
      6. Marketing Analysis and Decision Making 市场分析与决策制定
      7. Product Management 产品管理
      8. Pricing 定价
      9. Marketing Strategy 营销战略
  • Graduate Certificate in
    Marketing Management
    The Graduate Certificate in Marketing Management is an 18-hour program designed to provide a focused, intensive study of the marketing management activity within organizations. This program serves a broad group of marketing managers, including those with interests in sales, brand management, promotion, and consumer behavior.
    Students must complete the following six courses or approved substitutes if course waivers are appropriate:
    Marketing Foundations:
    MKT 5700 Contemporary Marketing Concepts
    MKT 5710 Consumer Motivation and Behavior
    MKT 5740 Marketing and Business Research
    Marketing Management:
    MKT 5720 Marketing Communications
    MKT 5701 Marketing Planning and Strategy
    MKT 5730 Product Planning and Pricing
    Substitute courses must be approved by the Area Coordinator of Marketing and the Director of Graduate Studies in Business. In all cases, 18 hours (including at least 12 hours in marketing) are needed to complete the Graduate Certificate in Marketing Management.
  • 在这里同学们可以发现,杜克的MMS课程模块性较强,自我调整性低。若想在美国找对应实习,同学们要集中时间完成课程,在获得学位后寻找最合适的实习项目。Summer TermIntroduction to Financial Accounting 财务报表导论Business Communication I 商务沟通IQuantitative Business Analysis 定量商业分析Fall Term IFunda...
  • First of all, I expect that I will be presented with a challenging educational environment in your highly respected mba program. Your mba program offers a solid course curriculum that will allow me to build on my previous extensive business experience to give me the skills that are ...
  • Nowadays, with the development of market economy,the insurance market is becoming more and more competitive than ever before.All of the life insurance companies are trying to seek the ways of leading the market. The one of essential ways is to increase promotion.This paper make a investigation...
  • Trade marketi,虽然看似陌生的术语,实际上指的是商业交易或市场活动。它的核心是满足各方需求和期望,通过买卖双方的互动实现商品或服务的交换。当谈到贸易市场,我们不仅关注于动词"满意"的含义,它在商业语境中代表着对交易结果的积极评价和满足,如同法语中的"très satisfait",强调了交易双方的愉悦...
  • 一、复试中英语考试形式 MBA英语考试形式主要有笔试、听力测试和口试三种。学校具体形式还需要考生查看学校官网公布的复试通知,也可以提前找本专业学姐学长了解往年复试形式参考。要了解本专业复试英语考试的方式,是否有即兴演讲,有无听力、口语等环节。二、复试中口试时长 口语考试一般不会严格限制时间,看...
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