浏览10次 4个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 02:08:21#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
- 首先请楼主谅解,本人回答这类问题爱用英文(英为中文太难打,加上出国的话如果连我打得英文都不懂就不要想了。。呵呵)
Well, please don't think that far yet. Think about yourself when you are still in America (i bet that if you go to US, you wouldn't want to get back anymore...) because you would have a great lot of a suffer if your english is not good enough. but i guarantee you that if you ever finish the study, you would have a fabulous future. (you don't even need to come back to China.. seriously. But it would be so hard.)
大概都能学到什么东西 从事什么行业 希望能做个比较
For psychology (the proper name for it should be “introduction to psychology, anthropology and sociology” for the first year of general study. But people always take these three together later on as well) you would have to read a LOT of books. Even when you were only in high school, you would have to read about 4 books per semester. Anyway, if you are interested in doing a lot of research, you can definitely choose this subject. (Oh, yea, you have to be really comfortable making presentations in front of big groups for this criterion as well. there are MASS of presentations for you to make and to listen)
For business (or so “economics” we call it in the fancy way...), there are a lot of branches, depends on which ones you are interested in: accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship, and international business. The key to these majors are hard working as well as a good math background (well, as Chinese, we don’t need to be worrying about that… LOL) comparing to psychology, business would somehow be easier, but the competition is more intense… I had this friend who went into business in the university, and she was driven MAD by the tons of experts in this field.
2.再有就是经济学硕士不是考GMAT吧 我转专业的话需要考sub么
I don’t know much about this, but I guess it’s just this GMAT and also the exams for the university itself. I bet there would be an interview… be prepared, and good luck… (Most of the people could not survive it…)
3.这个学校要求新托80+或者雅思6.0+ 那我是考哪个相对来说更好
For me, I suggest TOEFL because it’s easier if they want such a low mark. Usually they ask for at least 95 to get in… I wonder what university you are applying to. Don’t be intimidated by the amount of vocabulary, you don’t have to remember everything. If you have passed PETS okay-ish, you would be fine for either ones you choose.
4.确定了考哪两项之后 应该怎么安排和规划 比如是先考G还是先考T
Yea, I agree with 从来不用, should take TOEFL first because English is the basics to everything, and you would get GREAT improvement after you take the courses. So it would be easier for you to take GMAT later on.
是否应该报新东方的寒假班 在这之前只背词汇么
Yes. Definitely choose the new orient (新东方). It’s the BEST! They would give you a lot of materials, which are extremely useful. Don’t worry about the vocabulary, as I have just said. The teachers in New Orient would teach you how to remember words, and how to deal with the test itself. They would get you totally prepared.
I took TOEFL here in Canada, so I don’t know any Chinese reference books… sorry can’t help you there.
6.最后我想问一下工商管理硕士就是MBA对吧 那美国的大学一般需要报考
Yes, it is MBA.
I would suggest that you don’t come to America and go to the university right away. You can do some co-op in the regular university year, which would get you enough experience to apply for the university. (They normally would concentrate more on what kind of experience it is instead of how long you have been working. I would strongly suggest you to work in the university itself because that would be approved by most of the other universities.)
好了,就打这么多了。有什么问题可以直接来问我。 - 1.心理学就算了吧,除非你不准备回国。在国外学心理学就像在中国学计算机一样,你一点优势也没有。经济学可以做的事情就多了,回来混个外企还是可以的,但不知道你要学什么方向。如果你觉得自己能力很强,学个金融什么的,回来搞投资。学经济学的风险是,中美国情不一样,你一定要选在国内外都有用的方向。好比你去美国学个法律,回来一样当不了律师。所以社会学你就不要想了。
6.2-3 - 1 经济还好,别到国外去学心理。外国文化跟中国是不一样的,所以一个中国人不可能在国外做出色的心理医生。而国外学的心理知识也不适用于中国人。
2 经济学就是要靠托和GMAT
3 新托80+简单得多,在你听力好的情况下。听力口语好,考托就太沾光了
4 一般显然都是先考托,再考G,但两者的准备时间不要重复!
5 托和G的单词书,都买新东方的吧。我现在在用,起码权威一点。
参考书……我可以给你列一些托的,由易到难:旧托(无口语,不要做语法) longman Delta Barron Kaplan
6 工商管理硕士是MBA,一般需要两年的工作经验。
社会学博士的就业前景并不是那么糟糕的 , 尤其是在学术界外。社会学家们在不同的领域找到了相应的位置,如营销界,广告部,顾问部门,民意研究部门,人事部和政策制定部门等。也有许多社会学家受雇于地方的、州的或是联邦政府。事实上,受雇于联邦政府的社会学家在以下各部门工作:卫生部,人事部,农业部,教育部,商业部(统计局),国防部,和平组织,国家健康协会和国家老年协会等。专攻人口统计的,经济发展的或健康保健的社会学家可以在享有威望的国际组织如世界银行、联合国或世界健康组织中找到工作。那些在数学,统计学方面受过一定的培训,对人口统计学作过定量定型研究的社会学家们在今后的二十几年中会有更好的就业机会。
大多数专业需要申请者很强的学术背景,并且学习过一些与你所感兴趣的领域相关的调查 / 介绍性的课程及其他一些高级课程。如果你想从其他专业转到本专业(如历史转业到英语专业)或对相关的课程不熟悉,最好在你申请研究生之前,先接受你希望就读的专业的大学课程或继续教育课程。值得一提的是,那些寻求进入社会科学专业的人,应该对计算机、数学、统计学和研究方 有所了解。 - 劝你先来加拿大当跳板
美国这方面不缺人 - 社会科学领域,包括政治学、社会学、历史学、心理学、经济学等,排名第三,为留学生提供了多元化的学术选择。生物科学专业,包括生物学、生物化学、微生物学、植物学、动物学等,排名第四,是未来领域中极具前途和发展潜力的专业。计算机科学专业,包括计算机科学、软件工程、网络技术、信息安全等,作为美国...
- 我选这个只是因为我准备考law school 以后在business方面发展 对于回国与否 现在还处在观望状态 课外特长是读什么专业都需要的 心理学很难读 可是如果你喜欢的话 是个很有意思的专业 而且能学到很多东西 如果毕业做心理医生的 收入还是很可观的
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- 1、新闻 2、经营管理 3、广告 4、公共关系 5、新媒体 6、媒体制作 (二)经济学 经济学研究生专业方向包括:1、微观经济学 2、宏观经济学 3、计量经济学 4、发展经济学 (三)心理学 心理学类研究生专业方向包括:1、认知心理学 2、发展心理学 3、实验心理学 4、工业与组织心理学。文科类专业院...
- 10、心理学:心理学专业学生主要走学术道路,要成为心理专家,需要非常高的语言能力。11、经济学:经济学就业前景不错,尤其是经济学专业比较突出的名校毕业生,中国社会比较尊重经济学家,回国做教授工资比别的专业高一大截,甚至几倍。12、社会学:就业前景尚可,学生要注意积累统计功底,如果不能去咨询...