
浏览54次 1个回答 更新于 2024-12-24 02:17:57#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • Here are some steps to help in your search for a supervisor:

    1. Look on the University website at the homepages of academic staff and their publications to get a sense of their research interests. You should be looking for someone who does research that interests you, and is in an area in which you have sufficient educational background to do research at the doctoral level. You should be able to find bibliographic information on staff and their publications from their staff profiles on faculty websites, from the departmental publication list, by searching the internet, or by searching publication databases.
    2. Look at some masters and PhD theses in your areas of interest. You can find out a lot about a possible supervisor by looking at theses written by their students, and you may be able to find an online copy of some of these works. Your goal should be to get a sense of the standard of research that an individual is expected to achieve in 3-4 years of full-time work as a PhD student.
    3. Having identified a prospective main supervisor, send them a letter or email explaining:
    why you are contacting them?
    what relevant coursework you have taken (you should attach a complete academic record)
    your prior research experience (you may include copies of course work such as essays, theses/dissertations, or project reports).
    You could also suggest a specific topic for your thesis research, but this isn't always necessary upon first contact. Supervisors vary in their preferences and practices. Some supervisors expect their students to propose something, while others give general suggestions and then expect the student to come up with a detailed proposal. Some supervisors may suggest a specific topic.
    4. Your supervisor will want to be assured that your topic is well-defined, that the project will make an original contribution to knowledge or understanding, and that it can be completed successfully within 3-4 years of full-time study. Both you and your supervisor will want to work on a topic that is of genuine mutual interest.
    5. Once you have found a willing supervisor, work with them to prepare your preliminary thesis proposal.

    Best wishes in your search for a supervisor!
  • 具体来说,持有中国认可的硕士及以上学位证书是必需的条件之一。此外,申请者必须通过国家六级或雅思6.0以上的英语考试,证明其具备足够的语言能力。留学动机明确也是申请的重要条件之一。申请者需要能够用英语独立进行科研工作,按时获得国外大学的入学通知书,并在国内有较好的研究课题。申请过程分为几个步骤。
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  • 首先,申请者需具备良好的身体健康状况;其次,具备较强的英语沟通能力,通常要求托福成绩达到550分以上或雅思6.0分以上;此外,还需拥有硕士学位或博士学位,并且具有一定的经济支持。在申请过程中,申请人必须持有中国认可的硕士或以上学位证书;同时,明确的留学动机和科研能力也是必不可少的条件。此外,...
  • 临床医学博士申请出国留学是可行的,通常的形式为访问学者或博士后研究项目。然而,一般情况下,留学后的主要工作方向转为医学相关的基础研究。原因在于,国外法律并不允许非医师资格的临床医学博士直接从事临床医疗工作。若临床医学博士有志于在海外从事临床医疗工作,需在留学期间完成一系列额外的学习与认证过程...
  • 医学生申请出国留学的方法:1、对一般的申请者而言,GPA3.0以上;对前10名的医学院,GPA至少为3.6左右。2、需要考TOEFL,有的学校不要求外国学生考TOEFL,但是申请者的英语口语和写作必须熟练。3、美国几乎所有的医学院都要求申请者在申请前参加MCAT考试,这是一种帮助招生办公室预测申请者在医学院课程...
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