
浏览56次 4个回答 更新于 2024-12-26 23:50:42#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • Respected Professors,Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction.
      I'm ,26 years old , born in city , Province.In the year of ,I entered University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.
      After my graduation in June ,I worked in company. I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was awarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year . The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company. Two major customers, Henan Provincipal Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Personnel, are under my work.
      However,with time going on ,the more I experienced, the clearer I realized that I'm really interested in the Enterprise Management .I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed . I'm eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University.
      So I resigned in August , 2011 and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half year's hard work, I'm finally standing before your honorable professors now. I'm really excited. Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, I believe it's worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be prepared. Thank you !

  • 我在百度消息里发给你好了。字数不多,相当于一个模板作参考,只要把自己的优点、爱好、特长说说,基本信息什么的就可以了。望采纳哦。
  • 故事起始于贾敏病逝,贾母怜惜黛玉无依傍,又多病,于是接到贾府抚养。黛玉小贾宝玉一岁。后又有王夫人外甥女薛宝钗也到贾府,大贾宝玉二岁,长得端方美丽。贾宝玉在孩提之间,性格纯朴,深爱二人无偏心,黛玉便有些醋意,宝钗却浑然不觉。贾宝玉与黛玉同在贾母房中坐卧,所以比别的姊妹略熟惯些。[3]
  • 留下QQ,加完传给你供参考,模板不保证有多好,传后采纳哦。
  • 研究生复试自我介绍1 我叫x,您可能会联想起琼瑶小说,字的确就是那两个字,差别就是人没有那么漂亮,呵呵。其实,我的同学更都喜欢称呼我的英文名字,叫June,六月的意思,是君的谐音。 我来自广东的恩平市,可能您没有去过,是一个很小的县级市,这几年刚刚开发了温泉业,我想将来会有更多的人了解这个小城市。 在2...
  • 在我的业余时间,我喜欢跳舞,打羽毛球和看英语电影。跳舞和打羽毛球是我最喜欢的运动。他们使我保持健康,充满活力和品种的乐观的人生态度。另外,我真的很喜欢看英语电影。它不仅可以消磨时间,而且消费我的听力技巧。我知道我的英语不够好,我会继续研究。谢谢!研究生复试自我介绍一分钟(二) 各位...
  • 我专注于计算机科学的学习,特别是在人工智能领域取得了优异成绩。我有幸参与并主导了多个科研项目,其中在机器学习方向上,我与团队共同完成了一项基于深度学习的图像识别算法,该成果在国际学术会议中得到了高度评价,被收录进IEEE期刊。
  • 自我介绍一下,我的名字是xxx,英文名珍妮特,现年23岁,来自山东省的省会城市济南。我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的地方。在学习方面,我毕业于贵校的专业,专业是我选择的诊所。我感激大学教育的培养,目前,我正致力于获得山东中医药大学的关键学科。我的目标是在该领域深入学习和研究,构建坚实的基础,为...
  • 自我介绍:我叫XX,25岁,来自重庆市,毕业于西南政法大学法学专业。因对历史学的热爱,决定跨专业考研。《老男孩》中的话让我坚信,梦想永远不会褪色,因此我筹备两年,努力追逐历史学研究生的梦想。我充满想象力,对世界充满好奇,对历史、文学、人文地理等学科情有独钟。热爱阅读,享受旅行。我乐观、有...
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