
浏览293次 1个回答 更新于 2025-01-16 09:06:40#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • Scholarship apply
    Dear Sir:
    My name is Lingzhe Kong. I graduated from Dalian University of Technology and my major is Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. And I’d like to apply for the Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarships this semester.
    First of all, I have relatively good personality. Actually, I am warm-hearted and always willing to help others. I always do my best to help my colleagues get out of difficult situations in life or work. My colleagues love to work with me and that makes me organize daily work more easily than others.
    Besides, although I take participate in work for nearly two years, I still have great passion for study. I often read the rules of classifications of society and write summary and report regularly. Owing to the daily accumulation, I finally did well in all the work now and got good reputation in the division.
    In the end, I wish you can give me this chance to win the scholarship, which may reduce the heavy burden on my tuition fees greatly and help me concentrate on the postgraduate study. I will definitely work harder and become better in the future. Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you!

    Lingzhe Kong
  • Thanks! 英语作文 假定你是陈红,根据下列内容写一封申请信 Hello ,my name is chenhong.I have Learned from the Inter that the pany PHK C Recruitment administrator jobs.I think I have the candidates eligible for the job.I have work experience as an administrator.In college, I repeatedly get the ...
  • 在申请就读MBA的过程中最重要的文件就是essays。Top B-School录取的标准有这么几项:有份量的工作经验、优异的GMAT成绩和出色的essays。若是你已经达到了700分以上或是接近700分,那么你就应该花大力气把短文写好,使你在众多的申请者中脱颖而出。 出色地完成B-School要求的短文的确是件非常困难的事情,北美的申请者...
  • MBA英语小作文为信件格式。英语(二)小作文主要分为以下类型 1.求职信/申请信 application letter/ applying letter 2.推荐信 recommendation letter 3.辞职信 resignation letter 4.建议信 suggestion /advice letter 5.感谢信 thanks letter 6.祝贺信 congratulation letter 7.道歉信 apology letter 8....
  • (2)TA(Teaching Assistantship)教学助理:这类奖学金颁发标准是学生的学习成绩和英语水平。其待遇和研究助理相仿,但主要工作是协助教授对大学本科生进行教学工作。教学助理是由系里发放的,每周的工作时间视具体情况而定,一般为每周10到20小时不等。四、美国研究生常见奖学金:Tuition Waiver学费全免 其...
  • MBA是没有公费的,全部自费,而稍微好一点的学校(比如211高校)的学费目前在5万元左右,名牌(如北大、清华、复旦、交大的学费十几万至二十几万不等)而且,有些学校的MBA没有奖学金。如果真正感兴趣,可以够时间以后再考。考试的科目是英语和综合。其中,MBA英语的难度高于四级,但低于六级。综合包括...
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