
浏览263次 2个回答 更新于 2024-09-21 00:46:34#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • Welcome to the HKUST MBA Online Application

    The HKUST MBA online application provides applicants with a convenient, efficient and secure way to submit their applications. This online form is for the following programs:
    Full-time MBA
    Part-time MBA (Hong Kong)
    Part-time MBA (Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China)
    Part-time MBA/MSc (Financial Analysis) Dual Degree Program
    Part-time MBA/MSc (Information Systems Management) Dual Degree Program
    Part-time MBA/MSc (Investment Management) Dual Degree Program

    The admissions timetable for August 2006 intake:

    Round Application Deadline Interview by Admissions Results by
    Full-time MBA
    1st 15 Dec 2005 25 Jan 2006 28 Feb 2006
    2nd 31 Mar 2006 15 May 2006 15 Jun 2006
    Part-time MBA & Dual Degree
    1st 25 Jan 2006 15 Mar 2006 13 Apr 2006
    2nd 28 Feb 2006 13 Apr 2006 15 May 2006
    3rd 31 Mar 2006 15 May 2006 15 Jun 2006
    Shenzhen Part-time MBA
    1st 31 Dec 2005 15 Feb 2006 15 Mar 2006
    2nd 31 Mar 2006 15 May 2006 15 Jun 2006

    Applicants are requested to first register and open a user account to enjoy the benefits of our online application. Applicants can access and prepare their online application at their convenience and submit it online when it is ready. Find out more details here and open a user account today should you plan to pursue an MBA in Fall 2006.
  • 在香港MBA院校排名及申请难度上,香港科技大学(UST)>香港大学(HKU)=香港中文大学(CUHK)。而且香港科技大学的MBA项目一直在国际媒体的全球排名榜上名列前茅,金融时报全球MBA排名中被评选为全球第14位,已经连续十多年进入全球前15名。港科大工商管理硕士申请要求:申请要求:获得认可的学士学位,有良好的GMAT成绩(就读港科大学生的平均水平是580到710分),有托福或者雅思的成绩,托福不低于80分,雅思是6.0分,单科不低于5.5分。还有就业证明,过去24个月的薪资证明,同时需要至少2年的全职工作经验。香港留学选校定位留学志愿参考系统中含有本科GPA 3.5+成功申请港科大MBA专业的案例如果想知道自己的成绩能申请到香港多少排名的院校?可以尝试使用留学志愿参考系统,把你的基本情况(GPA、语言成绩、专业、院校背景等)输入到系统中去,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请到了香港哪些大学,这样子就能对你自己进行精准的定位。
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